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Thursday, October 2, 2008

Blogging Influence

Being acquainted with the blogsphere has changed me in more ways than one. For one, it kept me company when I'm stuck at home (how pathetic!). It has opened my eyes into a world I never knew existed or let's say I never knew was of this great magnitude. A virtual world exists here with real people, unselfishly sharing their life experiences.

More than anything else, travel blogs have caught my attention. Reading these blogs makes me want to travel more than the usual. Traveling with great company has become my passion. As the designated organizer of the group, I handle all the headaches of planning a trip and the harder part of pooling in the right mix of travelers. Blogging got me acquainted with travel forums like virtualtourist and pex. Aside from that are real traveler's travel blogs like Anton, Tutubi and those in my blog roll. I also came across a couple of budget tour organizers like Owen's Diy Philippines and Travel Factor, that makes traveling more affordable and hassle free. I shall join them in the coming months. Hopefully I'll get a goodnight's rest during the trip unlike in the previous trips I've organized.

One more is having a travel mascot or as they aptly call as travel gnome. A travel mascot is a toy, a prop or anything that you bring around while you travel and perhaps take a portrait of them. Apparently not only Charlie Brown brings his blanket wherever he goes. My first attempt to travel with a travel mascot was four months ago. I named her Tokidoki simply it's from Le Sportsac's Tokidoki collection. I have to take shots candidly so that I won't draw strange glances from the people around me. I still have to overcome that shyness of doing it.

I've seen a few posts about travel mascots. I once saw a collection of island hopping trips with Disney's Lightning McQueen parked on those sand, that was so cute. I wished to share that here, but I can't seem to find that post over at Multiply. Of all that I've seen, I say Nina's travel gnome tops my list. These are no ordinary dolls, these are actually Pinky:St, a collector item. (This is another information discovered from blogging.) I love how these toys are portrayed on these pics, looking at them, I'm tempted to get one for myself. *wink*

How has blogging influenced you? You might want to share your travel gnome here too. :D


  1. good for those who don't wanna show their face hehehe ^^

    Also easier to take portraits of gnomes than a self-portrait hihihi

  2. haha it's art.

    it's not that easy actually, I still ought to learn which angle works best.

  3. When i went to Hawai'i, I hung out with a guy who took pictures of his stuffed animal at various sites like Manoa Falls. I thought that was weird, but I guess other people also do that kind of stuff as shown by those gnomes.

  4. will, ya it seemed weird at first, but you'll get the hang of it. now i find it cute! haha

  5. i don't have a travel gnome. but you're right i see a lot of those in blogs :)

  6. hi tin, thanks for dropping a line.

  7. Hehe, buy na ng Pinky St ;) Seriously, this is a good time to buy while the dollar is still down :D

  8. hehe tumaas na to 48 to a dollar!

    which do you recommend? :D i still ought to explore more info about it...
